I just realized that I've been a pretty shitty blogger in the lack of labels that I've been using. See, I noticed that you can put labels on your posts and I thought it was cute until blogger decided to change the "look" of blogger and not putting the label area where I'm used to. Labels are cute so that people who type things into google can find your blog out of the hits they receive via LABELS. Will I go back to older blog posts of mine and lebel them? ehhhhh, I'm going to say no.. whether it's because my current little cold has increased my laziness by 35% or because it would ruin history, doesn't really matter. From now on I will label my posts, not so much for widespread popularity because that wasn't the original intent of this blog, but because they tend to be funny and because I lack the romantic love option in this "labels or love" battle, I'll label the hell out of our blog.
I'd also like to add that I miss my friends and family very much. Although it became a tougher drive when I moved to Broward, it didn't feel far, but being in Orlando and everyone being all over the place in Florida feels like I hopped onto a wild roller coaster that I don't know how to excuse myself from. So shout out my big hommies, Honey bee luhhh y'all :*
xxxxxx Honey bee
(p.s. yes, the title is in German, shout out to my germssss out there too !)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
AWWWWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAAAA (kool-aid jammers man voice)
WADDDDDUP ! So this one is short and simple (: I have reached a long awaited 4 months since I chippity chopchopped all of the pelo off of my head. I've reached quite a place in hair growth, but I've gone longer with natural hair! About 4 years to be exact...that's the longest I've been natural, otherwise it's that white whipped goodness hair stylists have been playing in my hair with. I will beat my personal record because I can. Also, being natural has taught me that it's the way to go all around for me. My scalp is at an all-time healthy and I keep my face natural too, but that's mostly because I'd rather those 30 extra minutes of sleep. I snapped a few pics for ya and happy almost hump day (:
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
![]() |
My 4 month jubilant ass ! (: |
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I Like BAD BITCHES That's My Fucking Problem
I'm almost 19.... what do I have to show for 19 years of life? I suppose a lot to an optimist, but I'm no optimist. I think I fall deeply in the middle, sometimes more pessimistic than optimistic (&vice versa). I have decided to do something amazing, I'll leave my mark on this Earth, but more for the love of life and less for pride and egotistical reasons. I don't wana talk about it yet, but I will start and complete this project. Whether I'm successful or not....I'll blog about that later (;
xo(almost 19 year old) honeybee
(P.S. my post title is only because I'm listening to 'problems', I can't complain about multiple bad bitches if I only know a couple)
xo(almost 19 year old) honeybee
(P.S. my post title is only because I'm listening to 'problems', I can't complain about multiple bad bitches if I only know a couple)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sometimes (almost everyday) I feel like my life is one giant comedy. What do I mean by that ? Well, just about everyday I find about a thousand reasons to laugh my diaphragm out. I realized that I wouldn't have as much to laugh at if it weren't for me riding the city bus, so somehow I'm thankful for being on comedy tour everyday and somehow I'm still not. You'd be surprised what there is to laugh at during the hour of 6 am, but the mission has been accomplished several times. Do I remember what the hell is so funny ? NOPE. What ends up being the funniest part of my day is not only what I witness, but also how I respond to the sights I see. The way I've described it is me blacking out, going into my avatar mode, and spewing out several texts at a time to my hood rat friends. If you don't know what I'm referring to, then this is how I can best depict it through piccccctchaaas:
resulting in:
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
Now I know what you're thinking, but I do think I look like Kat Williams when I make my faces during my avatar state, but I don't officially know since it's like blacking out... Anyways, I love how hilarious my life is, thus making life pretty great at the moment !
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Gingers & Kisses
Anyone who has ever heard me say a single word knows that i am forever stuck on gingers; Shaun White, Bob Soven, Rupert Grint, yeah they all can get a piece of this Caribbean cocoa.
being that I completely adore all gingers and what i hope to be their fire crotches, i had one of the best nights ever last night. Not only did i look fuhmazing but i got the attention of one older red headed Canadian gentlemen with my awesome bod and crazy natural curls.
I'm not going to write much because i don't want this post to come back and haunt me when im older and trying to explain to my children why good guys take good girls on dates and the importance of saving your lips (top and bottom) for the guy you want to marry, but i will say yesterdaynightoutsideofthisniceclubitotallywentcrazywiththisgingernamedphillipfromcanadawhosoooooolovesmycutebum.
But that's all that you'll get from me. For i am a lady.
If you want more details you'll have to find me another ginger so that i can demonstrate ;)
hashtag oh yeah i went there
hashtag who's next
hastag leftover makeup never felt so good
hashtag KE$HA 101
being that I completely adore all gingers and what i hope to be their fire crotches, i had one of the best nights ever last night. Not only did i look fuhmazing but i got the attention of one older red headed Canadian gentlemen with my awesome bod and crazy natural curls.
I'm not going to write much because i don't want this post to come back and haunt me when im older and trying to explain to my children why good guys take good girls on dates and the importance of saving your lips (top and bottom) for the guy you want to marry, but i will say yesterdaynightoutsideofthisniceclubitotallywentcrazywiththisgingernamedphillipfromcanadawhosoooooolovesmycutebum.
But that's all that you'll get from me. For i am a lady.
If you want more details you'll have to find me another ginger so that i can demonstrate ;)
hashtag oh yeah i went there
hashtag who's next
hastag leftover makeup never felt so good
hashtag KE$HA 101
Everyday Is Not Promised
I received some bad news yesterday afternoon, my friend Chris had died. He was a senior this year at my school and he some how contracted bacterial meningitis. What the fuck was all I could think when I heard that. Usually when you hear about kids dying, its different because you might not know them and they dont go to your school. I never thought something like this would happen to my school. I've had this mindset that all of my friends are going to live forever and nothing bad will ever happen to them. Chris was the kind of kid that everything he did would make you laugh, he could just walk into the class and he had this dumb look on his face. He would get in trouble so much in class for being a dumb ass but it was hilarious. I always thought he kinda looked like a young Taylor Lautner and he would always get mad when I told him that but it was true so I didn't care. I was talking to him about a month ago about hanging out when I came down from school on thanksgiving break. He's in a better place now and I'm going to have to accept that. Cherish everyone around you because you never know when it could be your last day with them.
<3 always,
<3 always,
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Reward the Murderer
Along with childish things I was fortunate enough to leave behind in high school, I left my dear old friend procrastination. Not gonna lie, we were inseperable ! He was comfortable, reliable, and helped me yield my very best work. Over the few weeks that we've been separated, I see why our friendship damaged me more than helped me. SURE it was amazing work and it blew everyone else's shit out of the water, including the early birds, but I see what a back stabber he really was to me. He made me tired, he let me do useless things with my time, he sold my immune system to the devil, thus shitty health, always rushing, Rushing, RUSHING, and my biggest frenemy; BEING LATE. Some friends are going to drag you down with them and you end up doing things you said you'd "never do" and it's probably those same friends that'll continue to convince you about how life works best when they're around, but I've discovered differently. I feel like a success story, I killed my friend procrastination. Will he ever reincarnate and come back to haunt the fuck out of me you may ask .... well, maybe (this past Tuesday morning -.-), but life has an interesting way of repaying those who make good decisions like killing off bad friends. The question I ask you before I end is, DO YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS WORTH KILLING?
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
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