Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fraternities & Sororities

Tonight my school hosted a pajama dance/party type thing in the gym.Or so i thought... Actually it was a showcase of the amazing stomping, barking, screeching and whistling of the the fraternities and sororities. The party started at nine and ended at midnight; from nine thirty until eleven fourty-five everyone (or maybe just me) was being pushed and shoved in every direction to give- sometimes one but usually two- groups of "dancers" the floor so they can create a stomping conga line. It was amazing the first couple of times; I was so excites. "Wow. A real fraternity. OMG! They're so good." But then instead of letting the freshmen- who apparently this whole event was dedicated to dance- the greeks decided to involve themselves in every song. If it wasn't the guys it was the girls, both equally annoying but the girls more pushy. I spent my first kind of real college party being fondled by strangers- who this party was supposed to help me meet- because the Greeks thought this would be the perfect chance to attack us with their stomps.
And the worst part is that they don't even believe in apologizing. Not just the Greeks, everyone!!!
Even if it wasn't my fault I still apologized to the people that I shoved. But noooo, a group a guys fell and on me and gave me faces when I gave them stank faces because I thought 400 pounds of negro was cause for a simply "Excuse me", "Sorry", "My bad" would've sufficed.
Oh and by the way a female mixture of Lamar Odom and Shaq attacked shoved me a couple people the length of a football field so that Your Royal "Thickness" had space to destroy the gym floor with her purposely heavy foot. She gave me the most sarcastic "Excuse me" when I informed her that excuse me is the word that everyone was looking for tonight.

But it wasn't that bad, my friend told me that the ginger that we had met earlier was getting down with some girls. AND one of the Greek boys was rather attractive, plus none of his brothers pushed me. So he's good.

hashtag i want your letters taken away
hashtag inconsiderate
hashtag ruined college experience

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