Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Beginnings

Well it’s about that time in a high school graduates life when they finally leave home for college. I leave to Florida State University in two days; I’m starting that new chapter in my life. I don’t know how I’m feeling; I’m super excited but super nervous also. I’ve never been away from my mom from more than a week. I don’t know how long I’ll last before I have a mini break down haha. I’m just kidding, that isn’t going to happen, and I’m going to be fine. Especially since this is what I read in my fortune cookie yesterday “There are many unexpected & thrilling surprises in store for you!” That sounds great to me! Reading that actually made me realize how much fun I’m going to have in college. I’m sure it’s not going to be exactly like how it is in the movies, but it’ll be pretty darn close! I’m just grateful that I have the chance to go away to school, my mom didn’t so she’s also super excited about me leaving. Plus I have to learn to be “responsible for myself” pssh like I don’t already know how. One great thing is my roommate is a friend, so I know she isn’t some psycho girl. That’s a good thing, didn’t wanna have to get ratchet (:
<3 always,

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