Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Asian Experience 2014

I'm terribly late, but I'm back from my Asian experience! To keep this short and sweet, it was the best vacation/trip I have ever been on and that's saying something because I've been around. Indonesia is exciting, bright, happy, full of activity, and beautiful. I have achieved my most perfect tan, I have never looked more beautiful after those 2 weeks of skr8 heat. As a short recap, my mom and I rode an elephant, fed elephants, went white water rafting, dove 4 different times at 4 different dive spots, I'm scuba certified again y'all, we went to 2 other islands, sun bathed hullo, hiked a volcano at 3 am to watch the sun rise at 6 am, played with rescue sea turtles, did so much shopping because Indonesia is CHEAP, had a gorgeous sunset dinner, and visited a lot of different areas in Bali via private taxi. Without a doubt I'd recommend this trip to everyone I know! Some of the activities aren't for the faint hearted, but you can still really enjoy yourself without doing all of the physically demanding things my mom and I did. I'll post a few pictures, but all of my pictures are up on my other blog soooo check that out! I also made a video, it's my first time filming with the camera that I used so if you do watch, bear with me. I'll get better. I apologize in advance for the motion sickness you may feel from my shakiness. My b. 

Stay adventurous my friends.

Travel Bee

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