Friday, April 11, 2014

No me gusta ego

The ego is a dangerous thing, I haven't yet figured out why we (humans) have them. There's no room for them in relationships, so if you're in contact with a human being, you're part of that group. The ego makes you believe that you're always right, the fight is always worth it, this other person will constantly cater to your feelings and emotions, and that there's no bigger picture. NEWSFLASH, there is! Apologize if you must because you may be wrong, and yes humans are occasionally FUCKING WRONG, find a compromising solution that permits you both to be happy, and evaluate the situation's worth ... will you remember why you were mad in 2 hours? If it isn't worth ending the relationship between you and the person then kick your big ass ego to tha curb. No puede y'all. 

Because I found no use for my ego, I've done away with it.  If you ask me, we gamble way too much of our lives based on feelings, logic is cool too.

Wurd 2 ur mutha,

P.S. I think I'm gona start Grey's Anatomy soon, I just can't get into Arrow. I really tried. Sorry Colton, not sorry. To be fair though, I haven't seen Colton on it yet so I still love u bae.

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