Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Well Hello :*

I feel like last week was Spring Break, the first few days of March... when in actuality, it's pretty much the end of March !  How are there 11 days left of March... where is my life going ?  How does it all move in hyper-speed even when you are looking ?  Even scarier/thrilling, only 60 days left until I'll be in Belgium according to my mom's online countdown he made me.  Only 58 true days left of this American life with my 2 chums ay ?? Who am I to ignore these beautiful freedoms and lifestyle I have been given ?!  I feel a challenge coming on (:  I can try to agree to take on a photo challenge .... one photo a day until Sunday, May 21st, 2013 ... when I leave for Belgium. Oh yea, I'M LEAVING FOR BELGIUM Y'ALL !!!!!  Starting today March 20th, I will take one picture and so on until I reach my day of departure because I still seem to take the things I love and enjoy for granted.  Everything that I'll capture will be pieces to the story of my life as of a few years ago (minus my mom, won't see her for a few more months).  What will I capture exactly?  Maybe my fave spot in south FL. and where I take Hercules for a walk in Orlando and my cousin's house and Blackpoint and even my cousins and maybe me cleaning my room because that's just a fact of my life.  I think I'm ready for these next 2 months.  No matter where I am in the world though, you bet your ass I'll be faithful to this blog and my secret society sisterhood.

xoxo Buhhhdonka

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