Monday, July 29, 2013

VS Summer Shopping

Spent the summer blowing money like I'm Young Money Cash Money.
More like Young Debt No Money. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 65- Let's get down to business

Lately, I've been thinking about men a lot more than I feel like I ever have.  For starters, I see them in a different light, not like a high school lighting, more like real life lighting.  I've never really entertained the idea of dating because I've honestly never been ready, I have had too many problems to jump into something like that. I'm past all of that now, I'm in a different game (if I ever pass GO and collect $200) and I'm still not ready.  Men sort of feel like the devil when he was trying to give Adam and Eve the fruit ... I feel all of the "no's" shouting at my face, but I'm being lured in by accents and bodies and beautiful jaw lines.  I feel like I can't even see past right now and I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I don't love it.  Is the feeling of wanting to complete someone else strong enough to drag your other half all the way to you? I hope it isn't someone I went to high school with and meet in the near future, I went to high school with people I didn't really like ... Including the ones I hung out with (and obviously later decided that I didn't like them, hence the falling of so many of my friendships).  Out of all of these things that I want and hope for, I think I just want knowledge since it's all I can control, it's a realistic aspiration isn't it? I can't make a man do back flips in my direction because I find his face interesting nor can line up perfect candidates and pick out my perfect man and buy a Barbie dream house together because the 80's are over and I'm not Kazam.  I'll just end my whining with a prayer in hopes of good health because if the tables turn the way they always do, then I may have to chase my husband or do something physically demanding and I can't be a limp bitch trying to be physical. 

Sleep loose (because its hot in Belgium),
        Honey B.

p.s. I'm off to France tomorrow, wish me luck ... My Belgian dad doesn't like his in-laws and I trust his judgement. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013


So Wednesday I was blessed with a four legged friend. His name is Zayn and he is way too energetic for my lazy ass. He wakes me up at 8 AM (when I'm lucky) to go out and use the restroom but we usually end up doing a mix of training, playing fetch and yelling stop. Whatever he's still beyond cute and isn't that all that matters.

Day at the Zoo

Deanna's family and I went to the Zoo today. Super hot but super fun1 (for me).