Sunday, September 30, 2012

Please Excuse Our Lives

What a busy month September has been to us ! I feel like this blog is something like an obligation and my fellow lovies and I have been doing horribly at nurturing it this month.  Adjustment definitely takes a while, but it's best to remember that it shouldn't take up ALL of your time.  Our sincerest apologies go out to everyone who reads our sisterhood documentations, "my b(r)izzle".
               Salute to the Party,
                                    Bianca (author of tonight's post), Windel, Deanna, and Hercules xx

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Been A Long Time Coming

Its been a while since anyone has posted on here, but hey thats what college does to you. I saw this on a this girls blog the other day and I liked it, so I wanted to share it.

If ever there was a time to dare to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing, it is now.
Not for any grand cause necessarily -
but for something that tugs at your heart,
something that’s your aspiration,
something that’s your dream.

You owe it to yourself to make your days count.
Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch. Dream big.
Know though, that things worth doing seldom come easily.
There will be good days. And there will be bad days.
There will be times when you want to turn around,
pack it up, and call it quits.
Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself,
that you are not afraid to learn by trying.

Because with an idea, determination.
And the right tools, you can do great things.
Let your instincts, your intellect,
and your heart guide you.

Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard. Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons. Of lasting friends.
Of all the things that cross your path this year.
The start of something new
brings the hope of something great.
Anything is possible.
There is only one you.
And you will pass this way only once.
Do it right. Just do it!

– Author Unknown


<3 always,


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The other 4-letter word people ignore...

I think one of the best things about having a best friend is the fact that you DO NOT live with them.  What do I mean exactly ?? WELL (: I think what bonds people together so well is the fact that there's time in between the talks, gossip, and bitchy college students for development of such a tighter bond.  Laymen terms ?  I'm so fond of Dee and Winbrizzle because I don't live with them.  There isn't any mystery or something to miss if we're always up in each other's faces.  I don't need to be reminded about their gross habits 24/7 and they don't mine.  Moral of the story... GIVE EACH OTHER SOME DAMN BREATHING ROOM !  I'd hate to lose a friend because we don't let one another live outside of our friendship, suffocation is easy to do :/  I just love my cute posse way too much, especially when we have moments that we remember extremely detailed, whether they happened a year ago or 2 nights ago <3

I'm done now! So more of this >>>> and less of ... well ... Squiddy and psycho Spongebob.

الحب الكبير ,
          honey bee