Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I'm here

Of all of the things to get me back on the blog, it was death.  I've written so many entries in my computer since August 2014, but time has escaped me and they aren't as significant anymore.  School has taken a toll on my creative life, I don't get to do anything that I am passionate about anymore. That makes me sad.  My cousin died in Haiti yesterday, my young, husband/dad of 2 babies/brother/son cousin.  He was leaving the bank and got in his car and they shot him in the head.  I wasn't close to him because he lived in Haiti and didn't come to the US much, but I knew him and just saw him 3 years ago.  He was nice, I hate to think that there are more terrible people alive and hurting others versus someone like him, but balance, right? Being closer to God in this time in my life has allowed me to understand this a little better, but it just comes as shock. We didn't plan for him to die, God did, so huge shock. I'm not sad, just extremely neutral. I don't like feeling neutral, I don't feel anything at all.  This morning I took a nap after the news and I don't know if it was a dream, but something was brushing vigorously back and forth on my bed behind me and then I looked up and saw a shadow of a man on the ceiling and then move to the wall and then he held up a peace sign. Dream, right?  I have a final this evening and my head isn't in the right place, I'm nervous. this has happened before, tragedy before an exam. It's May 5th, God bless.

to Joel Alcindor and his wife and kids, xo.

The Bee is back.

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