Monday, January 20, 2014


Yikes, I really meant to post so long ago about the holidays, my trip down, the new year and other memories made in the process, but time escaped me.  As I sit here and shake my ass to Scarred (Uncle Luke) and write this post, I remember the whirlwind of a year I've had and that I actually spent most of it outside of the U.S.  It was one of my best years, 2013 was so happening and life changing for me with me meeting new friends, partying, moving to Belgium, touring France, and moving to the UAE, how do you think I feel?  When I realize how 2013 started and when it did, it has that long time ago/just yesterday effect right?!  What I can say to be true is the fact that each year I learn a larger quantity of life facts and it definitely changes my view on the world. 

2014 opened up a little different compared to previous years, we stayed in on New Years and had a little white wine to preview the smoothness that should be two thousand and fourteen. So far I've seen a change in my spirit, goals, and demeanor.  I've managed to up my testosterone circle from 1.5 to 3.5, but I'm sensing a temporary air.  I also sleep at night, what a fucking accomplishment guys, SERIOUSLY.  I'm going to get back into school after a year(it will be almost a year).  My hair is going to be 2 years old in 5 months and my skin has almost reached the goal I set out in September for my Bianca 2.0 Challenge.  I just got back in the gym and I'm eating better now that I'm back home, so the next phase of my Bianca 2.0 series is my body, stay tuned.

Not gonna lie, 2013 was surprising and different from any year I've ever experienced, but I am so ready.


P.S. There's talks of my mom and I taking a Southeast Asia or Africa trip for 2 weeks, HOLLAAAA!

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