Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm freee!

Yesterday I finished my one and only final so that means I am officially done with my first session! Now its time to just sit back and wait until the grades come out to see how i did.

Just wanna say good luck to any of you reading this who have finals this week and next!

peace out

Monday, April 15, 2013

it's week 7 ya bish!

I made it y'all. I survived through my first session of online classes. This is my last real week of doing graded discussions and assignments. Next week I have one final and a power point project due and I am free! Well I only have a week off so its not like I get to see anyone because all other universities have finals the week I'm off so yeah. Then I start class again on May 6 and I'm taking math -____- I am really going to need jesus on my side during this course.

Well just wanted to let you all know how I was doing.

tata for now!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Been shopping quiet a bit

This was a spur of the moment thing. Like I didnt even try pretending that I was going to attempt to edit it. The music is from WOLF, Tyler the Creators new album. Been listening to it nonstop for the past couple of days.