Thursday, May 24, 2012


ewwww :P
Goodbyes are never good, fun, happy, or pleasant unless you're saying bye to your evil step-mother or a horrible fashion trend that was never those cheap sparkly belts from 2006 (I wore one once upon a time, but that doesn't mean I wasn't mistaken).  We encounter "byes" almost everyday, but some seem more dramatic than others because it seems like we have more to lose at the time when it may really just be time to go.  Most people weren't meant to know each other their entire lives, hence the hundreds of "friends" we constantly meet and part from.  I just so happen to LOVE Ugly Betty and I just saw the episode where her boyfriend left for 6 months to Africa and I just so happen to be graduating soon and the goodbye's have already begun to roll on in.  If leaving is such a natural thing that happens all the time and throughout history, why do we have such a hard time with it?  If life stayed the exact same way we hoped it would from the first time we didn't want to say goodbye, would life be as enjoyable as it is now and would you have learned the things you know now?  I think the perfect word for goodbyes is BITTERSWEET, maybe that's why it's called a good bye. Either way, I think it would be fun to incorporate several fashion styles that everyone should be happy that they're gone and can comfortably say GOODBYE to (:

this just looks lazy
why was this EVER ok? too much dazzle my friends
this is pretty extreme, but you get the point.  muffin tops ARE NOT acceptable, better fitting clothes are (:

الحب الكبير,
        honey bee

Friday, May 4, 2012

Things You Should Know

Left to right: Deanna, Windel, Bianca
Hey ! I'm Bianca and this is #PPC.  It's all about timing right ? because we all had other friends and were somehow interconnected via them, but it just so happens that those friends are currently nonexistent and that interconnection became THIS 3 woman party (:  We want to use this site to keep in-touch and continue to share ironic, funny, and annoying things that happen to us, ESPECIALLY since we're all going to 3 different colleges soon.  To sum us up, Windel is natural (her hair) and crassy (her personality); yes full of crass (crass and/or crap).  Deanna is almost natural (her hair too) and has one of those irresistibly contagious laughs that either make you laugh or smile.  Then, there's me, I'm around the corner from being natural (nearby meaning I'm going bald in June), I am quite witty, sarcastic, and I have a mildly adorable Dachshund named Hercules.  We're from Miami, Florida (south Miami to be exact), we started off going to the same high school and now we're in 3 different schools.  We love each other more than most of the people in our everyday lives because SUCH IS LIFE ! Happy Friday (:
الحب الكبير,
        honey bee